I just stumbled across this brilliant website. The artist makes a new robot every single day. I love it. Totally inspired.
That's NerdBot. Maybe we can convince her to make a walrus and dinosaur to torture him?
It'd be funny if it were happening to someone else.
Cute! Although the zipper mouth resembles a gag, as well, which is kinda disturbing.
You know, the PhilBot totally started out as a LoveBot, same make of robot with a heart, a few years ago along the lines of the original robot. I should have totally monetized these ideas a long time ago.
But, from my rudimentary understanding of copyright laws, anytime something is committed to paper, it's copyrighted, so I guess I'm protected and can still monetize. I guess.
You should totally sue, STBJD. Take it out of her in merchandise, maybe. Free robots for the PJMB folk! We can take up Sisyphus' suggestion and commission a KinkBot with a ball-gag in its zipper mouth.
completely unrelated to the very cute philbot and its possible 3-d incarnations:
what would it take to get the APA to accept and post only standard-format job ads? ones where there are clearly designated AOS and AOC, and pertinent info (such as position level) appears up front, and hell, why not, the contact address is formatted for a mailing label, too?
seriously, what would it take? what kind of rebellion? what number of letters? what kind of petition? this will make the world a much better place, so true - can't we do anything?
that last post was a cold shower, if ever I've had one.
Hm, my guess is the APA would avoid standardization for reasons pointed out in the prior thread - money. For every department that rambles on needlessly, that's a little more money. Presumably the same reason the ad that seemed clearly designed for the *other* APA got in there last year.
To be fair, that would also probably mean a lot of extra work for their staff, running after the depts that fail to adhere to the proper formatting and trying to enforce it.
Anon 6:17:
"To be fair, that would also probably mean a lot of extra work for their staff, running after the depts that fail to adhere to the proper formatting and trying to enforce it."
My guess is that it would take about 15 minutes for their web developer to set up a web form that required you to enter rank, AOS, AOC, mailing address, city, state, zip code, and country.
I think it's a good idea. And they can still let departments ramble in the body of their ad to generate extra cash.
Oh, and while we're lobbying other people to do things, definitely lobby for KinkBot.
bit becessarily: a simple online form would solve the problem - a few designated fileds to fill in, and then a nice box for extra ramblings...
A problem with these demands on ads is that in many places the exact wording and format of an ad is a big deal that has to pass a number of bureaucratic hurdles. Departments sometimes simply can't choose to adhere to APA guidelines.
How do we lobby for these changes though? can we mobilize such a change? it can't be that hard - let's start doing something: any ideas?
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