Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Hold your Horses.

Anon. 7:49 says:
PGS, PGOAT, et al. -- time to pass the mantle on this blog? If you're too busy with the dissertation, etc. (as you should be), perhaps someone else can keep the blog going so that folks don't stop checking in altogether?
Yeah, yeah. Vacation's almost over. We'll be back soon.



Anonymous said...

I've never understood the (rather asinine) charges that PGOAT, PGS, et. al. are wasting time on this blog that they should be devoting to their dissertations. When you're writing a dissertation, healthy distractions are necessary to keep you sane. Personally, I wouldn't have wanted to do anything even remotely philosophy related, but whatever floats your boat. Everyoneone does stuff like that. I see no difference between posting on a blog, watching movies, reading novels or the news, exercising, going out with friends etc. You can, of course, spend too much time doing that stuff, but I don't see how spending 20 minutes writing up a blog post - even every day or two - counts.

There are plenty of other philosophers out there with blogs and I don't hear anyone harassing them to stop blogging when they should be trying to get tenure or become the next rock star or whatever. Lay the fuck off, people.

Anonymous said...

"Checking in"?? Haven't these people heard of feeds and readers?

Anonymous said...

Hi PGS et al,

I've really enjoyed the blog all year!

Can you do a post asking for current professors to give their advice to junior people just starting off? E.g. what do you wish you had done differently at the beginning, what should we be aware of vis-a-vis balancing research and teaching, department politics, interacting with our more senior colleagues, etc., that we may not have thought of?

(If you think that would be inappropriate for this blog, or would make people who don't yet have jobs feel bad, feel free not to approve this comment -- I won't be offended.)

Thanks, and best of luck with everything!

P.G.O.A.T. said...

Anon. 12:44,

Good idea. We'll get something like that going soon.


Anonymous said...

Umm...where did the JfP link go on the APA site??

Did anyone else notice that the link was buried in their redesigned beta-site? Not smart.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that the link was buried in their redesigned beta-site?

Also, did anyone notice that the redesign made the site into an even worse giant piece of crap than it was before?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, APA site is still sucky either way. Nice use of our membership dues...

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:54. Don't wank about your low student dues. If more people that had jobs paid in, then things would be better I bet. You get a pretty good return on your money for what you pay in if you ask me.

When was the last time your tried to give something back to the profession Anon 5:54. Why don't you help out instead of complain!

Anonymous said...

"There are plenty of other philosophers out there with blogs"

Yes, and most of them are doing philosophy, not whining like little spoiled brats.

Anonymous said...

So far the profession hasn't give me squat. Nothing but sorry Eastern APA meetings sandwiched between Christmas and New Years with all that social awkwardness mocked in these pages.

Anonymous said...

So far the profession hasn't give me squat.

Exactly. They're like a union but without the benefits (like non-alcoholic beer).

If they cared about the profession and us, the workers, they would have defended Florida's Ph.D. program. But they didn't.

They would have pushed for measures that balance out the job market, such as truth-in-advertising by requiring institutions to report their placement records with the relevant details. But they didn't.

And I could go on and on. But I won't.

Thomas D. Carroll said...

The APA website does lag a bit (is it 1996?), but student membership dues and conference registration sure beats other more sophisticated academic organizations -- such as, for example, the American Academy of Religion. Those conferences will really set you back!